Welp, it's that time again. Time for another round of CT scans. It really isn't a big deal, but it is simply time consuming, boring, and physically and mentally taxing.
Already (I'm typing this as I wait), I've been here for almost 1.5 hours. Originally, this would be a good thing - being that I have to drink 44 ounces of spiked water over the course of an hour to work its way through my system. Instead, my order was never transferred to my local hospital, and I had to wait for a fax to go through. Fortunately, between the local newspaper and free wifi, I've remained occupied. And now that the drink is gone, the paper is read, and my sites are all caught up, I play the waiting game to break up the monotony of the waiting room.
To my dismay, boredom won so you are blessed with another blog post (two this week!).
Thinking of what to type about, I did some self reflection and realized how draining this whole process is.
From a physical standpoint, I'm not supposed to eat or drink anything before my scans. The good news, being that the scans are in the afternoon, I cheated and ate a bagel with cream cheese. The bad news, I usually eat a large breakfast and snack throughout the morning. Besides the no eating, I also won't run today. So now I have to switch up my training for the week.
Mentally, I couldn't sleep last night which carried over to today. My morning consisted of watching "The Soprano's" and napping for almost 3 hours. Waking up, I had the panicking adrenaline rush of thought that I missed my appointment. As if this anxiety wasn't enough, I also hate needles and I think of the worst case scenarios upto and during the procedure itself.
I realize this reads more like a diary, but so be it. Until next time - peace out, home cheese.